Thursday, November 26, 2009

Labels Losing Money, Not Artists

Informative article on Boing Boing about labels losing money, but artists seem to be making dough still:
The Times Labs blog takes a hard look at the data on music sales and live performances and concludes that while the labels' profits might be falling, artists are taking in more money, thanks to the booming growth of live shows. The Times says that they'd like more granular data about who's making all the money from concerts -- is there a category of act that's a real winner here? -- but the trend seems clear. The 21st century music scene is the best world ever for some musicians and music-industry businesses, and the worst for others. Which raises the question: is it really copyright law's job to make sure that last years winners keep on winning? Or is it enough to ensure that there will always be winners?

Labels may be losing money, but artists are making more than ever - Boing Boing
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Alicia Keys to Stream Concert Live on YouTube

In October, YouTube hosted one of the biggest live streaming events ever held: a U2 concert generating more than 10 million streams across 7 continents.

Now YouTube is looking to repeat that success, with an Alicia Keys concert being live streamed on December 1st at 8pm ET.

The concert, to be held at the Nokia Theatre in New York City, aims to draw attention to World AIDS Day; viewers will be encouraged to donate to Alicia’s chosen charity, Keep a Child Alive. You’ll be able to tune in at the Alicia Keys YouTube channel.

YouTube to Live Stream Alicia Keys Concert Worldwide [VIDEO]
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Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Good Canadian Kids: Hey Rosetta!

I was driving my baby boy to daycare this morning and we were listening to the radio, when a really cool song came on and my baby Joey and I started clapping and laughing to it. So I shazammed it and there were no results! Which sux 'cause I would have tweeted it from Shazam and then all my followers coulda Googled them (oh, don't you love today's fresh new lingo?). Anyway, I remembered some lyrics and came home and Googled them myself, and found out it was Hey Rosetta! from Newfoundland, Canada! I haven't had the pleasure of listening to the rest of their album yet, but the song I heard was called Red Heart and you cn hear it over at the album's Amazon page:

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Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Tom Waits: Glitter and Doom Live

Tom Waits has released a new live album recorded on his 2008 tour called Glitter and Doom. It's a double CD set that has a disc that is just Tom talking, telling jokes, etc. It sounds fantastic! Typical Tom Waits awesomeness. You can take a listen over at Paste Magazine: Tom Waits: Glitter and Doom Live :: Music :: Reviews :: Paste

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Documentary About Chuck Prophet

Thanks to Boing Boing for posting about this:
My film director pal Scott Compton just finished shooting a documentary about singer-songwriter Chuck Prophet. Scott and collaborator John Behrens joined Prophet and his band in Mexico City earlier this year where the group recorded ¡Let Freedom Ring!, an album of "political songs for non political people." My favorite Prophet quote from the trailer: "I walk into the (recording studio's) control room and I could not believe what I saw -- I was looking at a studio that is totally state-of-the-art... for 1957." So with a background of earthquakes, H1N1 hysteria, power outages, sirens, and corrupt police, the band plugged in their instruments and set to work. "The best thing about Prophet as a film subject," Scott told me, "is that even as things fell apart around him, he always was looking for the bright side of the mayhem." I can't wait to watch the whole film, slated for completion by March.

Read the rest of this: Chuck Prophet documentary - Boing Boing
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Sony Online Service

Souns pretty cool, but I can't say I like the name...
Sony is one of world’s best known brands when it comes to home electronics, gadgetry, and entertainment.

However, the landscape has changed in recent years. You can have the best media player around, but if you don’t offer users a place where they can easily get content for it, it won’t be competitive. And it’s been proven twice (first with the iPod, then with the iPhone) by Apple’s iTunes. Although a bit late to the game, Sony has now revealed its plans to launch its own iTunes-like online store, imaginatively called Sony Online Service.

The folks at Sony hasn’t given details about the store’s look or features, but they’ve said it will sell music, movies, books, and apps for mobile gadgets. Furthermore, it’ll also let users upload content (such as photos and videos) to their online accounts, making the store a cross between YouTube (YouTube) and iTunes.

Read the rest of this post over at Mashable: Sony Online Service Wants a Bite Out of Apple's iTunes
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Monday, November 23, 2009

A Letter From Kurt Cobain to William S. Burroughs

Posted over at Letters of Note, is this letter from Kurt Cobain to William S. Burroughs, asking him to appear in the video for Heart-Shaped Box. A year prior, they had collaborated on The Priest They Called Him which is one of the 5 or 6 albums I still have a hard copy of. It's haunting and awesome, and woth checking out : The Priest They Called Him
August 2, 1993

Mr. William Burroughs

Dear William:

It's a bit odd writing someone whom I've never met but with whom I've already recorded a record. I really enjoyed the opportunity to do the record -- it's a great honor to be pictured alongside you on the back cover. I am writing you now regarding the possibility of your appearing alongside my band (Nirvana) in the first video from our new album, "In Utero."

While I know that Michael Meisel from Gold Mountain Entertainment (my management company) has been speaking to James Grauerholz, I wanted the opportunity to personally let you know why I wanted you to appear in the video.

Most importantly, I wanted you to know that this request is not based on a desire to exploit you in any way. I realize that stories in the press regarding my drug use may make you think that this request comes from a desire to parallel our lives. Let me assure you that this is not the case. As a fan and student of your work, I would cherish the opportunity to work directly with you. To the extent that you may want to avoid any direct use of your image (thus avoiding the aforementioned link for the press to devour). I would be happy to have my director look into make-up techniques that could conceal your identity. While I would be proud to have William Burroughs appear as himself in my video, I am more concerned with getting the opportunity to work with you than I am with letting the public know (should that be your wish).

Having said that, let me reiterate how much I would like to make this happen. While I am comfortable letting Michael and James discuss this further, I am available to discuss this with you at your convenience.

Thank you very much for your consideration.

Best regards,

(Signed, 'Kurt')

Kurt Cobain

Check out the rest of this post here : Letters of Note: Best regards, Kurt

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Friday, November 20, 2009

the 2009 best of lists....

It is time for all those best of 2009 lists. Well i stumbled across an artist "THE UNIT BREED" who had some interesting lists of his own CHECK THIS OUT

Top 3 dreams this month

1. swimming with my dad while he explains how he will be island hopping by holding onto a rope tied to a cruse ship. While he starts his journey I float off in my sleeping bag across the water to a suburban island. A friend of mine joins me and breaks into a house where two little kids live. There father comes out and thinks I'm there to purchase porn. The real porn buyer shows up behind me and I back away and join the blacks down by the docks where we dance and drink while a live band plays the blues.

2. While walking along the sidewalk of a large city, possibly new york, I am with three beautiful women. A carnival is passing bye. The carnival consists mostly of rocker kids in punk get ups on top of burned out cars playing trashy music and showing off there peacock feathers. One of the cars makes a harsh turn and the band on the roof falls to the street but continue to play.

3. There is a head that is inside of another head and we all walk outside of a pair of eyes that is the backdrop to a theaters stage. The audience are in penguin suits. Everything empties out and I am standing alone in what once was an active beautiful theater but now looks as if it has burned down in the 1920's.
Top 3 brain foods

1. Nick Cave and the Bad Seed's - Dig!!! Lazarus Dig!!! - 2008
2. Terry Gilliam's - Brazil - 1985
3. Carlos Castaneda's - The Art of Dreaming - 1993

Top 3 life changing experiences
1. Smoking DMT
2. The death of my father
3. Loosing the hearing in my right ear

Top 3 recent visions

1. There is a man who is following me. He is not part of this world. I've most recently seen him in my basement, at a close friends house in portland, and the most pronounced appearance was at 4 am at the Gingerbread House in San Jose CA the day after Halloween where he walked up to me and vanished.

2. There is a doorway inside of my basement. I've only seen it once. It opened in the center of my room and someone's shadow closed it.

3. The week following my DMT experience a white haired goat creature began peeking into my window. He has not been seen I spoke about him.

Top 3 stupid tricks imagination drugs lights shadows and mirrors can play on you
1. Dimensional non understanding
2. The beginning and end of all things
3. Perfections simple wonder

- Joe / The Unit Breed
I paint things -
I make music -
I myspace -
I like to share -

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Chamillionaire vs. Universal : What's wrong with the Entertainment Industries?

I'm constantly talking about how the music industry needs to adapt better to the changing times and technology, instead of waiting around for the tech companies to do it, like Apple did with iTunes. It extends to television as well, and televised sports, etc. The companies that make money from people watching their television, sports or listening to their music, simply do not understand that there is no way to stop it. People will watch and listen to this stuff over the internet for free one way or another. It doesn't matter how strong you make your next security features, someone will beat it.

The NFL in particular really pisses me off. When I was living in Mexico, I couldn't watch my boys, the Cleveland Browns (though after last night's performance, feel free to refer to them as the Cleveland Steamers) unless I got satellite TV installed and bought Sunday Ticket. Anyone who's ever lived in Playa Del Carmen, Mexico, knows that you don't just call up the Satellite TV company and say "I want to pay you money, please come install your dish" and have then show up. It is a far more complicated, annoying process which usually ends up with the SKY TV guy spouting some bullshit about how they can't install in my area because there are no lines or I live in some anti-satellite bubble zone or some bullshit that just basically translates to, "nah, I feel like drinking on the beach instead of installing your satellite dish". And you can't really blame them, have you seen the beach in PDC?

This left me with two options. I either headed down to the closest gringo bar and watched Sunday football with a bunch of drunk American fugitives and take my chances on whether or not a bunch of guys from Texas and Seattle will be watching the Cleveland game, or I find a stream on some illegal streaming TV site. Obviously a no brainer. Especially given the fact I have a small son who doesn't fare so well sitting in the Caribbean heat for 3 hours while Derek Andersen breaks records for most interceptions thrown in a game.

Sometimes this didn't work either as the NFL liked to crack down on these streams that air the games over the internet and it was a toss up, whether we would be able to watch the game or not.

This is ridiculous if you ask me. Basically, I'm saying to the NFL and the television network airing the game, that I am willing to watch their advertising and be a die hard fan even through the Browns total collapse, and the NFL is saying no.

What the NFL (and any television station or music company) needs to do, is adapt. They need to accept the fact that in about 10 years, television and internet will be one and the same. Take that first step. Air your games for free on the internet and sell more advertising space. Sell to advertisers in other countries and have an IP detection system that tells the site where your viewers are located and then feeds them geo-specific ads. This opens up the NFL and television networks to infinite more advertising dollars, employs more people and allows die hard Cleveland Steamers fans in Mexico the opportunity to watch Brady Quinn be a really, really pretty bench warmer!

Anyway, this whole rant was brought on by me reading about Chamillionaire (a-say-what?) ignoring Universal's rules and allows his fans to embed his new music video on their web and social networking pages.
By all accounts, fans responded positively to the artist’s social media initiative. The Ustream/Facebook live broadcast saw more than 90,000 total views with more than 9,000 simultaneous viewers at the peak.
Chamillionaire Breaks Universal’s Rules So Fans Can Embed Music Video
What is wrong with Universal that they think that turning away 90,000 viewers is a sound business decision? I say rope in those viewers and sell some damned ads. Make your money selling music, just do it differently. Don't sell the actual music, sell ads! No matter what anyone does, people will still get their music for free. They will see music videos for free. As hard as NBC tries, people still see SNL videos in places they are not allowed to. It's ridiculous and fighting it is only going to cost you more money. The future is free, streaming television, free, streaming music and free, streaming videos. When the music industry sees that what Chamillionaire did is a good thing, and they adapt to the changing times, that's when they'll start making money again and it won't be such a hurting industry anymore.

For those of you who are interested :

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Monday, November 09, 2009

Free Fun Legal Holiday Music!

Are you ready for holiday music!!!

here is a free legal holiday album 11 bands from all over world

great holiday music! please do share with anyone!

album is called "xo for the holidays" volume II

Friday, November 06, 2009

Awesome video

Concert Vault

Wolfgang's Vault presentsWolfgang's Concert Vault has a ton of live recorded performances from a ton of awesome rock bands. Over 5000! You have to register to use, but dude, once you do, you can listen to Foreigner performing live in the 70s to your hearts content!

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Wednesday, November 04, 2009

Could Illegal Downloading Boost Your Music Sales?

POLL: Illegal Downloaders Buy the Most Music
Ipod VideoThe UK’s Independent newspaper picks up on a curious study today: people who download music illegally also buy more music legally, according to a poll’s results. The study comes as the UK plans a controversial “three strikes and you’re out” rule that would disconnect copyright infringers from the Internet – it’s set to become law in April 2010.

The Independent writes:
The survey, published today, found that those who admit illegally downloading music spent an average of £77 a year on music – £33 more than those who claim that they never download music dishonestly…The poll, which surveyed 1,000 16- to 50-year-olds with internet access, found that one in 10 people admit to downloading music illegally.
Very interesting. There are a few problems with this, as Mashable suggests if you follow the link, but it does kind of make sense. Really hard core music lovers tend to get music any way they can. They probably download the most, as well as purchase the most. My two cents, anyway.

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Monday, November 02, 2009

Fresh Music at the Good Price: Free!

Fresh Music at the Good Price: Free!
By Lauren Carroll

Updated: Monday, November 2, 2009

What's better than a MP3 player of cool, new music? How about if all that new music was free and 100 percent legal? It's not an oxymoron. It's the main philosophy of the No. 1 Web site for independent new music,
Santiago Vega started with a simple idea;-- help music fans find great new bands and help up-and-coming bands get their music to fans. "I started New Band Daily out of frustration," Vega said. " As all other music lovers, I had to spend a considerable amount of time browsing through literally several dozen of online and print publications just to find new acts, not to mention find good music that's free and legal."

The Web site initially launched in April 2009 as a forum for bands, but after the demand for music, recently re-launched with an interactive, completely free MP3 download from the featured band . "We foot the bill ourselves," Vega said. Subscribers don't have to worry about hidden fees or the dreaded Recording Industry Association of America (RIAA) lawsuit. Vega worked closely with publicists, managers and bands to be able to offer free music for the Web site's subscribers..

The Web site couldn't be easier to use. As a fan, all you need to do is enter in your e-mail address, select your favorite genres of music and wait for a band biography paired with a free MP3 in your inbox. Since signing up for New Band Daily, every morning has been like Christmas morning, with a new MP3 right in my inbox, specifically tailored to my tastes. October was a good mix of American and international bands. By far, my favorite discovery was on Oct, 27. I was introduced to Naive New Beaters, a cool indie rock band from France, with a bit of a pop and electronic influence to create a new sound.

New Band Daily also has a link for bands and artists to submit their band information and an MP3. "We started thinking about how to also better serve the independent music community," Vega said. "The more you better address and serve consumers' needs, the better service you also provide to music artists."